Instructions for authors


The electronic version should be submitted in a Microsoft Word document (margins of 2 cm, Time New Roman, type size 14, spacing 1.5). There should be no blank lines in the manuscript. No extra spaces are allowed between the words. All pages of the manuscript should be numbered. The nomber of pages of the research article should be at least 10 (excluding abstracts and references). At least 15 references should be analyzed in the research paper. The length of the review article should be at least 20 pages (excluding abstracts and references). At least 40 references should be analyzed in the review article.

The use of automatic translation for any part of your text (manuscript, abstract, keywords) is not allowed. Translation must be of good quality.

The editors reserve the right to edit the manuscript scientifically and literary.

The following documents are necessary to be sent to the e-mail address of the journal (

- Electronic version of the manuscript;

- A review of the manuscript by a doctorate of the corresponding branch of science. If one of the authors is a doctorate him/herself, then a review is not necessary;

- A statement signed by the author(s) that the manuscript has not been published and is not submitted for publication;


(Manuscript Template)

1. UDC index.

2. The title of the manuscript (in English, Ukrainian).

3. Initials and Last name of the authors in English, Ukrainian (no more than four authors).

4. An abstract in English, Ukrainian (about 1800 characters with spaces). The abstract should be highly informative, it is a separate text document in which the results of the research must be sum-marized. General phrases, insignificant details and well-known provisions shouldn’t be written in the abstract. Direct repetitions of any parts of the article should be also avoided.

5. A list of key words (5—6 words or key phrases in English, Ukrainian).

6. The structure of the text:

- Problem definition and its relationship with important practical tasks;

- Analysis of recent studies and publications related to subject matter of the manuscriptin particular, a review of the scientific achievements of foreign scientists;

- problem statement (statement of purpose of the manuscript);

- description of materials and research methods; 

- presentation of the main material;

- conclusions and recommendations for further research 

7. A list of references of their quotation should be presented after the text of the manuscript. Bibliographic descriptions should be made according to international slyle APA. Bibliographic descriptions should be submitted in the language of their edition. Links to unpublished materials are not allowed. The list of references should contain links only to recent and relevant studies. At the end of each reference, the DOI identifier is provided in the format https: // / ........, if it is, or a link to the publication. National standards, specifications, textbooks, lecture notes, laboratory workshops and other non-scientific literature must not be referenced. References to patents should be made in the text of the article, indicating only the number and title of the patent. The investigations of scientists from all over the world should be analyzed in the article. Based on the analysis of modern articles from English-language journals, the relevance of the topic in the world should be proved, the issues which need to be solved should be identified, and the purpose of the research should be formulated. In the list of references, the sources should be presented in alphabetical order. References to own publications should also be limited, as this reduces the scientific value of the article and the author's citation index.

8. Tables (in Word and Excel) can be submitted both in the text of the manuscript and in separate files (on separate pages). Each table should have a title, typed in bold, and its serial number if there are

several tables. The word “Tableˮ and number are printed in italics; the title is printed in bold. Tables should be in book format and fit freely in the height and width of the journal page.

9. Figures, images and tables should be performed in Microsoft Office Excel, Origin, Corel Draw on white paper and placed both in the text and in separate files. Captions should be typed in bold directly under the figures. Images must be clear and contrasting (TIF, JPG with a resolution of 300 dpi); the size 6×9. Photos are printed in case of extreme necessity, if they provide information of the significant scientific value.

10. Mathematical formulas should be typed with the correct placing of upper and lower indices. The formulas should be numbered by Arabic numerals in parentheses at the right margin of the page. The indices of Ukrainian abbreviated words should be typed in bold and in lower case. The first word of an index, consisting of two abbreviated words, should be followed by a dot, and the second word has no dot. The numbers in the indexes are typed in upright font. Indexes should by typed in Latin letters and in italics. In formulas, the letters of Latin alphabet are typed in italics; Greek and Ukrainian letters are in upright font.

Chemical formulas should be typed in upright font. Mathematical symbols that make up the chemical formulas should be typed in italics.

Formulas should be put directly into the text. Simple formulas are typed from the keyboard, and complex — using the Microsoft Equation 3.0 object or MathType 5.6. Other equation editors are unacceptable. The characters are inserted only through the symbol table. The contraction of physical units must comply with the rules of the International System of Units (SI).

11. Information about the authors should be given as follows: second name (in uppercase letters), first name and patronymic (in full); academic title; position or profession, place of work; phone number, E-mail.

12. The date when the manuscript was received by the editorial board.

The absence of any item listed above; absence of abstracts; non-compliance to the design requi-rements; spelling, grammatical, stylistic errors; automatic translation of any part of the manuscript are the grounds for refusal to accept the manuscript for publication.

Requirements for bibliographic descriptions in accordance with the international style of ARA

The in-text link should contain information about the author of the work (if the book without the author - editor), which is cited, the year of publication is indicated by a comma.


1. If there is single autor:

Text, text (Author, year) text …

Text, text (Trikkalinou, 2017) text …

2. If there are 2-5 autors:

Text, text (Author 1, Author 2… & Author 5, year) text …

Text, text (Trikkalinou, Papazafiropoulou & Melidonis, 2017) text

3. If there more than 6 autors:

Text, text (Trikkalinou et al., 2017) text …

4. Reference to several works by different authors (simultaneously):

Text, text (Trikkalinou, 2017; Ustinov, 2012) text …


If the publication mentions no more than seven authors (if the book is without an author - editors), then the link must indicate all authors.

If the publication lists eight or more authors (if the book is without an author - editors), the link must list the names of the first six authors, then insert three dots (...) and add the name of the last author.

The titles of books and journals are indicated without abbreviations.


1. Book by 1–7 authors:

Last name1, Initials1, Last name2, Initials2, Last name3, Initials3, Last name4, Initials4, Last name5, Initials5, Last name6, Initials6, & Last name7, Initials7. (Year). Book title: Subtitle (edition number). Place of publication: Publishing office.

Shulgin, V., Slobodyanyk, M., & Pavlenko, V. (2014). Chemistry. Kharkiv: Folio.

2. Book by 8 and more authors:

Last name1, Initials1, Last name2, Initials2, Last name3, Initials3, Last name4, Initials4, Last name5, Initials5, Last name6, Initials6… Last name of the last author, Initials. (Year). Book title: Subtitle (edition number). Place of publication: Publishing office.

Prusova, VG, Prykhach, OS, Dovgan, KL, Ostapenko, GG, Boyko, SO, Polishchuk, OO дар Bondar, GR (2004 ). Mathematics. Kyiv: Education

3. The book edited

Editor's Last name, Initials. (Ed.). (Year). Book title: Subtitle (edition number). Place of publication: Publishing office

Figol, N. (Ed.). (2009). Ukrainian language. Kyiv: NTUU "KPI".

4. Book without an author

Book title: Subtitle. (Year). (number). Place of publication: Publishing office.

Ukrainian language. (2009). Kyiv: NTUU "KPI".

5. Abstract or dissertation

Last name, Initials. (Year). Title of the work: Subtitle (Type of work with indication of the author 's scientific degree). University where the dissertation is defended, City

Salenko, O. (2001). Scientific bases of highly efficient hydrocutting. (Dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences). National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Kyiv.

6. Matherials of conferences

Last name, Initials. (Year). Title of the speech, Information about the conference. Place of publication: Publishing office.

Polishchuk, O. (2008). Software Engineering, Proceedings of the Young Scientists Conference. Kyiv: Science.

7. Article from the journal

Last name, Initials. (Year). Article title: Subtitle. Journal title, Journal number, Pages.

Roik, M. (2014). The current state of registration of members of the genus Salix. Bioenergy, 1 (5), 21-23.

8. Online resources

BD of the document *. Available at: http: or doi:

* according to the examples above (books, journals, etc., but without information about the place of publication and publishing hoyse)

Dakhno, I. (2014). Intellectual property rights. Kyiv: CUL.

Available at:

Hsueh, C. (2010). Weblog-based electronic portfolios. Educational Technology Research, 58 (2), 11-27.

doi: 10.1007 / s11423-008-9098-1.


Manuscripts of scientific articles are initially reviewed for compliance with all formal requirements for the subject, scientific profile, content, structure, scope and order of design. In case of discrepancy, the materials are returned to the authors for revision.

The level of uniqueness of the author's text is determined using the appropriate software. In case of non-compliance with the allowable percentage of uniqueness of the text, the materials are returned to the authors for revision.

After the initial review and plagiarism check, the manuscript is sent for double "blind review" (the reviewer does not know the author of the article, the author does not know the reviewer). The review contains the following components: parametric assessment of the manuscript and qualitative assessment of the manuscript.


The author is responsible for compliance with current legislation in the preparation of materials, including copyright rules and the accuracy of the facts (citations, references, names, titles, etc.). The published materials are the legal property of the publisher of the journal "Scientific Works of National University of Food Technologies", unless otherwise agreed. Manuscripts that have not previously been published in print and online and have not been submitted for publication in other journals are accepted for publication. The author who submits materials for publication retains all copyrights and grants the relevant publication the right of first publication, allowing the distribution of material indicating the authorship and source of the original publication, and agrees to place its online version on the website of the V. Vernadsky National Library and in open access in online network of the university. The author grants the editorial board the right to review and reject the materials submitted for publication.

The following license will apply to the article: CC BY

Only one article by the author (both own and co-authored) can be published in one issue.