Scientific Journal
"Food Industry"

Articles with the results of fundamental theoretical developments and applied research in the field of technical and economic sciences are published in the journal "Food Industry".

The results of the research presented in the journal should be new, have connection with food science and be of interest to the international scientific community.

The journal "Food Industry" has been published since 1962. 

The purpose of the scientific journal is to support and promote current trends in the development and implementation of best practices and the latest advances in the food industry.

Promising tasks of the publication are:

- development of basic and applied research in the field of technologies for creating innovative products;

- analysis and comparison of the results of best practices of domestic and foreign scientists;

- discussion of problems and prospects in the field of food technologies.

Topics of publications

Food technologies

Mechanical and electrical engineering

Biotechnology and microbiology

Food safety

Automation and information technologies

Economics, management and marketing

Physical, mathematical and chemical sciences

Labor protection, civil protection 

Periodicity of the journal - 2 issues per year

Language of papers: Ukrainian, English.

Reviewing process

Manuscripts of scientific articles are initially reviewed for compliance with all formal requirements for the subject, scientific profile, content, structure, scope and order of design. In case of discrepancy, the materials are returned to the authors for revision.

The level of uniqueness of the author's text is determined using the appropriate software. In case of non-compliance with the allowable percentage of uniqueness of the text, the materials are returned to the authors for revision.

After the initial review and plagiarism check, the manuscript is sent for double "blind review" (the reviewer does not know the author of the article, the author does not know the reviewer). The review contains the following components: parametric assessment of the manuscript and qualitative assessment of the manuscript.

There are no publication or submission charges.

Revenue sources

The "Food Industry" is fully funded by the publisher - National University of Food Technologies. The journal doesn’t other revenue sources, in particular, the Journal doesn’t publish advertising, there are no publication or submission charges, subscription or pay per view fees. The journal and individual articles are free available to readers.

Electronic backup and preservation of access to the Journal content

The content of the journal is additionally stored in the Electronic Archive of Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine of the National Library of Ukraine named after V.I. Vernadskyi. Link to the electronic archive 

Policy of identification and consideration of information or appeals on violations of the requirements of the Procedure for formation of the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine, as well as elimination of such violations

In order to identify inconsistencies, as well as their further elimination, the editorial board monitors compliance with the requirements of the Procedure for the formation of the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine.

Requests for violation of the requirements are sent to the official e-mail of the publication with the argument of the essence of the violation. If a violation is detected, the editorial office will take measures to eliminate it.


Articles are checked oon academic plagiarism  in system «Unicheck».